Sunday, September 12, 2010

ahhh, yea.

sooo, as you can see, lack of photographs here.
this wasn't intended to be a 'personal blog' but I want to explain a wee bit what is going on in my life!

NOT a pity party, just an explanation.
My hubby has a herniated disk. and can't work.
I was in denial about our finances, so I bought a camera to make myself feel better. Now things are getting a little more serious $ wise, and I feel guilty every time I pic up my camera to shoot. bad bad. I don't want photography to become associated with negative emotions. I may hold off for a bit. Until I work through the guilt...or something

Also, my laptop cord is missing and that's where my photos go. (but that's just secondary...I haven't been taking photos much)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


there I go again.
I have shots from Saturday, but that's it! Work seems to take all my energies, so I don't have the gumption to go out again and take pictures.
I think I might have to re-work this.
I'm going to try again for September. I have a passion for photography, and I *think* I should push it a bit.

Thanks for coming by! I hope there will be more today!!
